Piper Thomson

Piper is a former content associate at G2. Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, they graduated from Kenyon College with a degree in Sociology. Their interests include podcasts, rock climbing, and understanding how people form systems of knowledge in the digital age. (they/them/theirs)


How To Become a Bookkeeper: 5 Key Steps to Success

Becoming a bookkeeper is more than just adding numbers and tracking invoices.


What Is a Digital Signature? Learn How To Secure It

The advent of the software revolution has brought unprecedented productivity and convenience....


Simplify Sales: 15 Best Free E-Commerce Platforms for 2023

The shifting purchase patterns of the global consumer base have made e-commerce necessary for most...


How To Make Podcast Cover Art That Hooks Listeners in a Glance

A specter is haunting the face of the iTunes store — the specter of bad podcast cover art.


How to Make a Podcast Intro That Won't Bore Your Audience

You only get one first impression.


An Easy-To-Understand Glossary of Common Robotics Terms

People tend to have a very narrow definition of what constitutes a robot.


ERP Implementation: The Best Way to Avoid a Disaster

The implementation of a software system—particularly one as complex and expansive as an...


Your Guide To The Most Effective Types of ERP Systems

The development of ERP has strived for an almost utopian ideal: the consolidation of all business...


The Complete History of ERP: Its Rise to a Powerful Solution

With the rapid expansion of technology making communication easier than ever, new and exciting...

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