G2 Guest Contributor Network

Write for G2’s Learning Hub

Want to write for G2 and reach nearly 1 million monthly readers? Find out how in the guidelines below.



General Guidelines

  • Submit your pitch and wait to see if it is accepted before writing any content – we do not accept pre-written blog posts 
  • If your pitch is approved, write 2,500+ words submitted in an editable Google Doc
  • Non-promotional, i.e. no product, service, or demo mentions 
  • No product or tool listicles – we rank tools based on user reviews 
  • No syndicated, copied, or plagiarized content from your blog or someone else's 
  • Please research our website to ensure article topic isn't already covered on the Learning Hub. 
  • Place images and videos directly in the draft. Please do not send them separately.
  • Include a ~300 character bio with your headshot (square dimension at least 200x200)

Technical Guidelines

  • All links from external resources must be cited. If you include statistics or material sourced from a site other than your own (or your own site), they must be linked to the original content. 
  • Article must be centered around at least one target keyword. G2 reserves the right to decline any pitch that does not meet this requirement. 
  • All content is cross-checked for plagiarism to ensure your writing is unique. 
  • G2's editorial team reserves the right to make final edits, which may include removing promotional content, removing competing links, rewording copy, and adding category CTA buttons and links. 


  • What is a guest blog?

    Guest blogs are educational SEO articles written by non-G2 employees for G2's Learning Hub. They are used as a tool to amplify subject matter experts' voices in their niche and/or respective G2 category. 

  • Do you accept pre-written blogs?

    No, G2 does not accept pre-written blog posts. All guest posts on G2 have to go through our full editorial process to qualify for publication, which includes topic ideation, keyword selection, outlining, writing, and editing. 

  • Accepted/rejected topic list

    Below are lists of accepted topics and those we will no longer accept due to an influx of existing articles on the Learning Hub. The general topic types in the accepted category are contingent on a keyword not yet existing on the Learning Hub. 

    Accepted topics: 

    • Marketing 
    • Sales 
    • Human resources 
    • Security 
    • Design  
    • IT and technology  
    • Employee recognition  
    • Productivity 
    • Time tracking 
    • Content marketing 

    Rejected topics: 

    • Anything related to COVID-19 
    • Remote work 
    • "Best of" software lists 
  • What happens next?

    Submit your pitch. Pitches are reviewed on a rolling basis. If you submit a pitch while no new pitches are being accepted for the current month, you may not hear back for 8+ weeks. After submitting your pitch, we will contact you with next steps if we feel it's the right fit for our Learning Hub. If you don't hear back from us, we've decided to pass. 

  • Is there a way to increase my chance of being published?

    • Abide by general and technical guidelines
    • Own your subject matter 
    • Don't plagiarize or repurpose old content 
    • Write to a business audience, but make it easy to understand 
    • Don't self-promote or try to sell your brand's products/services 
    • Provide useful and actionable advice
    • Use effective language and an easy-to-read structure
    • Include images (we love videos too!)
    • Use data when relevant – link to expert sources 


  • How long does the publication process take?

    We typically work on an 8–12 week production schedule from topic approval to publishing the article on our site. However, we have many contributors with in-progress content, so this time frame may fluctuate. Please be patient with the process while we work with you to make the piece the best it can be.

  • Do you syndicate content?

    No, G2 does not syndicate content.

  • After writing once, how often can I contribute?

    We adhere to a once per quarter contribution time frame for all contributors. This means at maximum 4 blog posts per 12-month period, so long as there are available topics. We do not plan out a full year's worth of blogs in advance and can only work on one blog at a time. 
  • My blog post was removed. What happened?

    The best content always remains fresh. With this in mind, G2 strives to have only the highest-quality content on our website.

    This means that content written before a certain time frame is subject to removal, rewriting, or refreshing. 

    As noted in the technical guidelines, G2's editorial team reserves the right to make changes, including the removal of underperforming, out-of-date, off-topic, and/or misaligned content. 

    If content you had written for G2 is no longer active on the site, or you notice there is new content with a different author name at the URL under which you previously wrote, our team has made an executive decision that the old content no longer meets our increased standards of publication and updated guidelines. 

    If you have any questions about the above, please reach out to contributors@g2.com

  • Do you blog swap or write for other sites?

    We can, as agreed upon by our writers and your team. However, this depends on our in-house writing team's capacity at the time of your request. Please email contributors@g2.com for more information.

  • I have a different question!

    For other questions and press inquiries, please email contributors@g2.com.

Submissions are open!

To be considered for guest posting opportunities, please submit the following to contributors@g2.com:

  Your proposed pitch 

  Research-backed keywords 

  Author bio and headshot 

  LinkedIn/Twitter profile 

  Contact information