Gerard Tonti

Gerard Tonti is the Senior Creative Developer at Salsa Labs, a fundraising software company for growth-focused nonprofits. Gerard's marketing focus on content creation, conversion optimization, and modern marketing technology helps him coach nonprofit development teams on digital fundraising best practices.


Donor Acquisition: Modern Tips for Nonprofit Success

Your nonprofit needs a healthy mix of new and old donors to ensure there’s enough fundraising...


5 Tips to Keep in Mind Regarding Your Nonprofit Marketing Strategy

When nonprofits make budget cuts (as they often do) to account for the various aspects of their...

Guest Post

5 Smart Strategies to Help You Earn and Retain More Donors

Just getting a donor is half the battle; the other half is keeping them.


Crafting a Fundraising Plan for Your Nonprofit: 5 Key Tips

As we dive headfirst into the new year, you’re likely pulling together different 2019 plans to help...

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