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  • Professional Spotlight: Q&A with an industry expert
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  • Bad Reviews: Software vendors react to “bad” reviews
  • Blow off Steam: Jokes, fun facts, and trivia


  • Reading Tea Leaves: Bold predictions on industry trends
  • G2 Awards: Who is trending on G2?
Group 62

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Group 22

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Group 39
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On the edge of their seats.

We’ve got 9k readers eager to hear from experts like you. Send us your best pitch or volunteer to be featured.

General guidelines.

  • Want to be featured in G2 Tea? Submit your topic idea with what unique angle (an opinion, data point, prediction, etc.) you plan to take.
  • Want one of your blogs to be featured in our Learn Weekly? Submit your article link below.
  • Topics must be similar to newsletter content. No product or brand-centric content.
  • If your pitch fits within the G2 Newsletter guidelines, you will hear back from the G2 Newsletter team with details and timeline expectations.

Technical guidelines.

  • The article pitch must be submitted by someone who works at the company that wants to be featured or has written the article themselves.
  • G2 Tea pitches will receive a response within 1 week of receiving the idea.
  • The article submitted must be at least 1,500 words long. Exceptions for topical content.
  • The G2 Newsletter team reserves the right to decide whether submitted content meets our editorial standards and will be a value-add for our readers.

Our partners.

We’ve had some heavy hitters - including content from Freshworks and Omniconvert.
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