ClearSlide where she works on go-to-market strategies for product launches, sales enablement, competitive intelligence, and more. Outside of work, she enjoys trying new brunch places with friends, taking her dog out on walks, and planning her next travels. "> Learn Hub | G2 | Valerie Tsai ClearSlide where she works on go-to-market strategies for product launches, sales enablement, competitive intelligence, and more. Outside of work, she enjoys trying new brunch places with friends, taking her dog out on walks, and planning her next travels. "> ClearSlide where she works on go-to-market strategies for product launches, sales enablement, competitive intelligence, and more. Outside of work, she enjoys trying new brunch places with friends, taking her dog out on walks, and planning her next travels. ">

Valerie Tsai

Valerie is a Product Marketing Manager at ClearSlide where she works on go-to-market strategies for product launches, sales enablement, competitive intelligence, and more. Outside of work, she enjoys trying new brunch places with friends, taking her dog out on walks, and planning her next travels.


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It’s a long and expensive process to find, hire, and train new sales talent.

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