Multiplier. From Microbiology to Marketing and communications, her journey has been diverse. She believes in the magic of stories. A right-brainer blessed with the ability to connect the dots, producing impactful narratives. "> Learn Hub | G2 | Preethi Varma Multiplier. From Microbiology to Marketing and communications, her journey has been diverse. She believes in the magic of stories. A right-brainer blessed with the ability to connect the dots, producing impactful narratives. "> Multiplier. From Microbiology to Marketing and communications, her journey has been diverse. She believes in the magic of stories. A right-brainer blessed with the ability to connect the dots, producing impactful narratives. ">

Preethi Varma

Preethi Varma is the Content Marketing Lead at Multiplier. From Microbiology to Marketing and communications, her journey has been diverse. She believes in the magic of stories. A right-brainer blessed with the ability to connect the dots, producing impactful narratives.

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15 Advanced Candidate Sourcing Techniques to Discover Talent

The shift to a candidate-driven market is the most extensive and significant development in...

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