Patrick Szakiel

Patrick is a Senior Market Research Manager and Senior Analyst (Fintech and Legaltech) at G2. Prior to G2, he worked in a variety of roles, from sales to marketing to teaching, but he enjoys the opportunity to constantly learn and grow that the tech industry provides. Outside of work, Patrick enjoys reading, writing, traveling, jiu-jitsu, playing guitar, and hiking.


5 Major Insurance Technology Trends in 2019

The insurance industry is being disrupted by an influx of new technology.


What Is Regtech? (+4 Types of Regtech Solutions)

Compliance is a pain. Regulatory technology (regtech) solutions are designed to ease the burden for...


What Is a Benefit Corporation? (+How It Differs From B Corps)

Benefit corporations and certified B Corps pursue societal and environmental improvements in...


What Is Insurtech? Terms, Benefits, and Definition

The sweeping arm of digital transformation has cast aside normal operating procedure and catalyzed...


What Is Debt to Equity Ratio and How Do You Calculate It?

The goal of the debt to equity ratio is to provide interested parties with a number representing...


What are Microservices? (+Microservices vs. Monolithic Architecture)

Microservices, also referred to as microservice architecture, are a way to structure software...


5 Ways Software Can Benefit the Classroom in 2019

Software has been weaving its way into the fabric of the education sector for quite some time.


Making the Case to Buy Educational Software

Educational institutions are not typically on the bleeding edge of technological adoption.


9 Best Free Photo Editing Software Tools for 2019

Are you looking to dive into the world of photo editing but hesitant to sink hundreds or thousands...

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