Spire Digital. His tech and business perspectives have caught the attention of Smashing Magazine, HuffPost, TechCrunch, UXBooth, UsabilityGeek, and more."> Learn Hub | G2 | Nicholas Farmen Spire Digital. His tech and business perspectives have caught the attention of Smashing Magazine, HuffPost, TechCrunch, UXBooth, UsabilityGeek, and more."> Spire Digital. His tech and business perspectives have caught the attention of Smashing Magazine, HuffPost, TechCrunch, UXBooth, UsabilityGeek, and more.">

Nicholas Farmen

Nicholas Farmen is a digital consultant for Fortune 500 companies and well-funded startups at a 21-year-old custom software development firm called Spire Digital. His tech and business perspectives have caught the attention of Smashing Magazine, HuffPost, TechCrunch, UXBooth, UsabilityGeek, and more.


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