MRP, Michael McGoldrick is currently responsible for the management of content across functions and silos to deliver an effective marketing strategy and editorial plan to meet business objectives at the lowest possible cost. Supporting development and execution of all aspects of the corporate marketing program, Michael also develops editorial governance including content categorization and structure, content development, distribution, and measurement. "> Learn Hub | G2 | Michael McGoldrick MRP, Michael McGoldrick is currently responsible for the management of content across functions and silos to deliver an effective marketing strategy and editorial plan to meet business objectives at the lowest possible cost. Supporting development and execution of all aspects of the corporate marketing program, Michael also develops editorial governance including content categorization and structure, content development, distribution, and measurement. "> MRP, Michael McGoldrick is currently responsible for the management of content across functions and silos to deliver an effective marketing strategy and editorial plan to meet business objectives at the lowest possible cost. Supporting development and execution of all aspects of the corporate marketing program, Michael also develops editorial governance including content categorization and structure, content development, distribution, and measurement. ">

Michael McGoldrick

As the Global Content Marketing Manager at MRP, Michael McGoldrick is currently responsible for the management of content across functions and silos to deliver an effective marketing strategy and editorial plan to meet business objectives at the lowest possible cost. Supporting development and execution of all aspects of the corporate marketing program, Michael also develops editorial governance including content categorization and structure, content development, distribution, and measurement.

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Advancing ABM’s Role as a Sales Enabler

In an age when modern marketing dominates content and conversations, tried-and-tested tactics like...

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6 Account Based Marketing Tactics Every Marketer Should Know

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