Epom White label DSP. Lina has created, developed and managed growth strategies for some of the top brands and solution providers. She is passionate about what she does and leverages data, innovation, and creativity to drive results. "> Learn Hub | G2 | Lina Lugova Epom White label DSP. Lina has created, developed and managed growth strategies for some of the top brands and solution providers. She is passionate about what she does and leverages data, innovation, and creativity to drive results. "> Epom White label DSP. Lina has created, developed and managed growth strategies for some of the top brands and solution providers. She is passionate about what she does and leverages data, innovation, and creativity to drive results. ">

Lina Lugova

Lina Lugova is a Digital Marketing Expert at Epom White label DSP. Lina has created, developed and managed growth strategies for some of the top brands and solution providers. She is passionate about what she does and leverages data, innovation, and creativity to drive results.

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