Lightico. She’s passionate about spreading the word on customer-facing technologies that make companies’ and people’s lives easier and better. Leor is a native New Yorker and now lives in Israel with her husband."> Learn Hub | G2 | Leor Melamedov Lightico. She’s passionate about spreading the word on customer-facing technologies that make companies’ and people’s lives easier and better. Leor is a native New Yorker and now lives in Israel with her husband."> Lightico. She’s passionate about spreading the word on customer-facing technologies that make companies’ and people’s lives easier and better. Leor is a native New Yorker and now lives in Israel with her husband.">

Leor Melamedov

Leor Melamedov is the content manager at Lightico. She’s passionate about spreading the word on customer-facing technologies that make companies’ and people’s lives easier and better. Leor is a native New Yorker and now lives in Israel with her husband.


How to Stay Compliant With E-Signature Legal Requirements

E-signatures have held equal status to “wet” signatures since they were legally recognized in 2000,...

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