Brief. He's also a regular contributor at DataBird Business Journal. "> Learn Hub | G2 | Leo Kangin Brief. He's also a regular contributor at DataBird Business Journal. "> Brief. He's also a regular contributor at DataBird Business Journal. ">

Leo Kangin

Leo Kangin is a Productivity Trends specialist for Brief. He's also a regular contributor at DataBird Business Journal.

Guest Post

50 Collaboration Quotes to Inspire Great Teamwork

Collaboration and teamwork go hand-in-hand.

Guest Post

40 Best Icebreaker Questions for Team-Building

Whether you’ve just brought on new staff or you feel like your team needs to reconnect, an...

Guest Post

11 Amazing Team-Building Games Even the Office Grouch Will Love

If you’ve got a team that’s hunched into their desks and siloed in their work, you probably know...

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