Baremetrics and producer of the Founder Chats podcast. She's passionate about impactful businesses, and the stories founders have to tell. When Lea’s not writing about the SaaS industry, you can find her trying new recipes in her tiny Tokyo kitchen. "> Learn Hub | G2 | Lea LeBlanc Baremetrics and producer of the Founder Chats podcast. She's passionate about impactful businesses, and the stories founders have to tell. When Lea’s not writing about the SaaS industry, you can find her trying new recipes in her tiny Tokyo kitchen. "> Baremetrics and producer of the Founder Chats podcast. She's passionate about impactful businesses, and the stories founders have to tell. When Lea’s not writing about the SaaS industry, you can find her trying new recipes in her tiny Tokyo kitchen. ">

Lea LeBlanc

Lea is a content marketer at Baremetrics and producer of the Founder Chats podcast. She's passionate about impactful businesses, and the stories founders have to tell. When Lea’s not writing about the SaaS industry, you can find her trying new recipes in her tiny Tokyo kitchen.

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