Personal ABM, helps sales and marketing teams reverse “no” positions, win with the previously unresponsive C-suite, protect accounts like P&G, and drive expansion. "> Learn Hub | G2 | Kristina Jaramillo Personal ABM, helps sales and marketing teams reverse “no” positions, win with the previously unresponsive C-suite, protect accounts like P&G, and drive expansion. "> Personal ABM, helps sales and marketing teams reverse “no” positions, win with the previously unresponsive C-suite, protect accounts like P&G, and drive expansion. ">

Kristina Jaramillo

Kristina Jaramillo, President of Personal ABM, helps sales and marketing teams reverse “no” positions, win with the previously unresponsive C-suite, protect accounts like P&G, and drive expansion.

Guest Post

Rethink Your ABM Strategy to Drive Revenue Growth

Many companies are shifting from inbound to outbound ABM approaches – and for good reason.

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