Micro Startups, your online destination for everything startup. She's passionate about hard-working solopreneurs and SMEs making waves in the business world."> Learn Hub | G2 | Kayleigh Alexandra Micro Startups, your online destination for everything startup. She's passionate about hard-working solopreneurs and SMEs making waves in the business world."> Micro Startups, your online destination for everything startup. She's passionate about hard-working solopreneurs and SMEs making waves in the business world.">

Kayleigh Alexandra

Kayleigh Alexandra is a writer for Micro Startups, your online destination for everything startup. She's passionate about hard-working solopreneurs and SMEs making waves in the business world.


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The Basics of Cash Flow and Managing it Effectively

Money isn’t everything, but it is a significant factor for just about anything you can imagine —...

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