Julia McCoy

Julia McCoy is a top 30 content marketer and has been named a Forbes industry thought leader. After dropping out of college at 19, she grew her content agency, Express Writers, to $4.3M in revenue completely through content marketing. Julia is the author of two bestselling books on content marketing and copywriting, certifies content strategists in her training course, The Content Strategy & Marketing Course, and most recently, teaches growth-focused content marketing at The Content Hacker. Julia lives in Austin, Texas with her daughter and husband.

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9 Trends in Content Marketing for 2020

It’s almost here. We’ve nearly reached the 2020s, a decade that once sounded positively futuristic...

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20 Women in Marketing to Follow in 2019

As recently as 10 years ago, while scanning marketing rosters of top names, you used to see every...

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