ProspectSoft, a UK-based CRM & eCommerce company. Her experience spans everything from app partnerships, digital marketing and copywriting, and in her spare time she loves cooking Italian food!"> Learn Hub | G2 | Jessica Heald ProspectSoft, a UK-based CRM & eCommerce company. Her experience spans everything from app partnerships, digital marketing and copywriting, and in her spare time she loves cooking Italian food!"> ProspectSoft, a UK-based CRM & eCommerce company. Her experience spans everything from app partnerships, digital marketing and copywriting, and in her spare time she loves cooking Italian food!">

Jessica Heald

Jessica is Head of Marketing at ProspectSoft, a UK-based CRM & eCommerce company. Her experience spans everything from app partnerships, digital marketing and copywriting, and in her spare time she loves cooking Italian food!

Guest Post

RFM Analysis: the Best-Kept Secret for B2B Product Sellers

Do you sell physical products to other businesses? Recency, frequency, and monetary value (RFM)...

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