Juno Journey. She's a highly experienced People and Organizational Transformation leader with extensive experience in change management and implementation and creating a company culture with the best business strategies."> Learn Hub | G2 | Hanni Malka Juno Journey. She's a highly experienced People and Organizational Transformation leader with extensive experience in change management and implementation and creating a company culture with the best business strategies."> Juno Journey. She's a highly experienced People and Organizational Transformation leader with extensive experience in change management and implementation and creating a company culture with the best business strategies.">

Hanni Malka

Hanni Malka is the VP of Human Resources at Juno Journey. She's a highly experienced People and Organizational Transformation leader with extensive experience in change management and implementation and creating a company culture with the best business strategies.

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Employee Success Plan: A Roadmap to Greater Productivity

Employees and HR leaders worldwide now recognize the role of professional development in employee...

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