40+ Powerful Email Marketing Statistics You Should Know in 2019

January 3, 2019

Email marketing isn’t going anywhere, but the trends are always changing.

You have a fair variety of channels to reach your audience, yet email is the one which you can customize to your audience the most. Technological advances offer more and more opportunities to funnel in and reach out to an audience that can increase your brand's potential.

TIP: If you need help finding the best email marketing software for your business, browse the best email marketing software in 2019 from real-user reviews.

Email Marketing Statistics in 2019

So, why should you care about these statistics? Because they’re great guidelines to lead you in the direction for greater open rates, click-throughs and relatability of your brand.  

Statistics on Email Marketing Personalization and Headers

1. Length of subject lines impacts open rates, especially for retail and technology industries (Yes, marketing, 2017)

2. 56% of brands using emojis in their email subject lines had a higher open rate (WordStream, 2018)

3. Personalized subject lines generate high open rates at 50% (Yes, marketing, 2017)


4. Using a preheader to expand the subject line will increase your open rates when they combine to tell a story (Get Response, 2018)

5. Personalized emails deliver 6x more transaction rates (ConstantContact)

6. 35% of recipients open emails based solely on the subject line (Convince and Convert)

7. 64% of consumers open an email based on who it is from (Email Monks, 2018)

8. Trigger-based email campaigns on average generate 400% more revenue and 1800% higher profit margins than regular email marketing campaigns (ContactPigeon, 2017)

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General Email Statistics

9. On average, 16% of all emails never make it into the inbox (Email Tool Tester, 2019).

10. Email subscribers are 3x more likely to share content on social media than leads who came through another channel (WordStream, 2018).

11. You have over 280 options for email marketing software, according to G2 Crowd’s database of email marketing software.


12. Out of all email providers, Gmail is the most popular in 2018 (Practical Ecommerce, 2018)

13. It is estimated that by 2020, the number of email users in the U.S will reach 250  million (Statista, 2017)

14 Healthcare or pharmaceuticals, Travel & Leisure, and non-profits are the top 3 industries using email marketing (Statista, 2017)

15. The most opened email rates are related to hobbies at 27.35% (MailChimp)

16. ROI for e-mails is 30% versus direct mail at 7% (Marketing Insiders Group, 2017)

17. 95% of consumers who opted in for email messages from brands found them useful (SalesForce, 2014)

TIP: Maximize your time and email results with the email marketing software loved and used by your peers.

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Email Marketing Stats on Consumers

18. People are 2x more likely to sign up for emails rather than interacting with your company on Facebook (ConstantContact)


19. 69% of email recipients report an email as spam based solely on the subject line (Convince and Convert)

20. Checking emails is the #1 activity on the internet with 94% of people getting online for this reason (Marketo)

21. Office workers check their emails on an average of 30 times/hour  (Marketing Insider Group)

22. 58% of consumers say they prefer to be contacted by email from a brand  (Adobe, 2015)

23. 70% of consumers believe email will continue to exist in the next 10 years (Marketing Insider Group)

24.  21% of consumers report email as spam even if they know it isn’t (Convince and Convert)

25. 70% of Millenials are most likely to check their emails from bed, 57% from the bathroom, and 27% while driving (Adobe, 2015)

26. 58% of adult consumers check their emails right when they wake up (SAS)

27. 78% of consumers unsubscribe from brand emails because they were receiving too many messages (Email Monks, 2018)

Email Statistics on Mobile Devices

28. An engagement tactic online retailers used the most was to optimize for mobile usage (Statista, 2016)

29. As of 2018, consumers “are more comfortable performing complex web interactions entirely on their phones" (Practical Ecommerce, 2018)

30. 45% of email opens are on mobile devices or tablets with a 58% of click throughs (Econsultancy, 2018)

31. Mobile users check their emails more than non-mobile users by an average of 3x as much (Campaign Monitor, 2018)

32. 80% of mobile users delete emails if they are not optimized for mobile (Email Monks, 2018)


Emailing Statistics on Content

33. Welcome emails get an average open rate of 82% (GetResponse, 2018)

34. One newsletter per week has the highest open rate. Any more than 5 newsletters per week will decrease your open rates (GetResponse, 2018)


35. Online retailers top method of motivating customers to subscribe is offering the latest news and content from their brand. The least popular method is offering a gift to the subscribers (Statista, 2017)

36. Including videos in your email can boost click rates to 300% (MartechAdvisor, 2017) 

37. Recipients are 35% more likely to open your email if your campaigns are image or graphic (GetResponse, 2018)

Email Marketing + Artificial Intelligence Statistics

38. 24% of digital industry professionals in North America use AI for email marketing (Statista, 2018)


39. 30% of companies worldwide will use AI somewhere in their sales process by 2020 (VentureHarbour, 2018)

40. 80% of B2B and B2C professionals are using or planned to use AI to personalize content, offers, and customer experiences in 2018 (Statista, 2018)

41. Worldwide, 47% of advertisers are using AI for targeting audience, 45% for audience segmentation, and 41% for campaign planning and modeling (eMarketer, 2018)

42. 80% of marketing executives believe that AI will revolutionize the marketing industry by 2020 (Demandbase, 2016)

43. Emails from smart triggers have the highest open rates, at 45.7% (Elkfox, 2018)

TIP: Learn how to  integrate your email marketing with artificial intelligence.

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Planning for the future of email marketing

The future's looking good for those keeping up with technological changes.

In any case, any information on data like this can always be taken with a grain of salt, because, truthfully you should know your audience best.

Analyzing the data and statistics on your own audience will show you exactly what you need to know about them and where your efforts are needed most. Find the best email marketing software, according to real user reviews, for your business in 2019. 

Looking for an email marketing solution on a budget? Browse the best free email marketing software in 2019 ranked from real-user reviews!

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40+ Powerful Email Marketing Statistics You Should Know in 2019 Find email marketing statistics that you will want to know for 2019. Optimize your marketing strategy to gain more traction in engagement, click-throughs, and open rates with this list of email marketing stats. https://learn.g2crowd.com/hubfs/aerial-blog-blogger-990819.jpg
Bianca Pasare After completing her degree in Public Relations at Columbia College Chicago, Bianca previously was Content Promotion Specialist at G2. To take a break from everyday life, her adventures usually involve hiking in the mountains, attending music festivals, and eating great food. https://learn.g2.com/hubfs/Vendor%20Microsite/headshots/content/Bianca-Pasare.jpg https://www.linkedin.com/in/biancapasare/

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