Bianca Pasare

After completing her degree in Public Relations at Columbia College Chicago, Bianca previously was Content Promotion Specialist at G2. To take a break from everyday life, her adventures usually involve hiking in the mountains, attending music festivals, and eating great food.


20 Best TED Talks To Change Your Perspective

There are educational videos that exist on any topic under the sun.


What's the Twitter Character Limit?

The Twitter character limit has doubled its previous capacity in 2017.


90 Marijuana Statistics to Heighten Business Senses

Whether you’re for it or against it, it’s evident that cannabis legalization has taken hold in the...

40 Exciting Experiential Marketing Statistics

What do these things have in common: pop-up bars, traveling buses, conventions, trade-shows, and...


35 Critical Chatbot Statistics You Need to Know

Chatbots have changed the landscape for customer communication and have become quite the buzzword...


30+ Generation Z Statistics That Will Make You Say “It Me” in 2019

Chances are that you don't live under a rock, so you're aware that generations are a buzzword in...


50 Noteworthy Small Business Statistics

Most of us love supporting a small business. Especially when they’re owned by our family and...


40+ Powerful Email Marketing Statistics You Should Know in 2019

Email marketing isn’t going anywhere, but the trends are always changing. You have a fair variety...

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