PandaDoc. When she's not writing new content or discovering a new distribution channel, her time is spent exploring her Brooklyn neighborhood with her husband and two French Bulldogs, Tater Tot and Pork Chop."> Learn Hub | G2 | Bethany Fagan PandaDoc. When she's not writing new content or discovering a new distribution channel, her time is spent exploring her Brooklyn neighborhood with her husband and two French Bulldogs, Tater Tot and Pork Chop."> PandaDoc. When she's not writing new content or discovering a new distribution channel, her time is spent exploring her Brooklyn neighborhood with her husband and two French Bulldogs, Tater Tot and Pork Chop.">

Bethany Fagan

Bethany is the content marketing manager at PandaDoc. When she's not writing new content or discovering a new distribution channel, her time is spent exploring her Brooklyn neighborhood with her husband and two French Bulldogs, Tater Tot and Pork Chop.

Guest Post

How to Write a Government Contract Proposal (+5 Tips to Make Yours Better)

Thousands of proposals for government contracts are sent every day.


What Is a Request for Tender? Examples and Templates

Writing a request for tender (RFT) ought to be one of the easiest parts of launching a project.


It's Time To Refine Your Request For Information (RFI) Process

A request for information (RFI) is an incredibly useful document.


RFQ 101: What Is a Request for Quotation Process?

Picture this. Your dream prospect calls you up and asks you for a quote.


What is a Grant Proposal? (How to Write One, Tools, and Best Practices)

So, you need to write a grant proposal?

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