Aubyn Casady

Aubyn Casady is a Principal Product Marketing Manager at G2.


How to Bring Your Brand to Market from the CMO of Gong

Your buyer is on the internet making calculated, informed decisions every day.


2021 Brand Consult Playbook: 6 Steps to Adapting Your Brand to Reach the 2021 Buyer

If you were a creative in 2020, and are somehow still flexing that creative muscle in 2021, props...


G2 and SAP Announce App Center Partnership Expansion

SAP is a global market leader in end-to-end enterprise application software, database, analytics,...

Buyer Intent

G2 Buyer Intent + LinkedIn Matched Audiences


G2 Announces Syndication Partnership With Crayon

Crayon is a platform that allows companies to capture, analyze, and act on competitive intelligence...

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