Weekly10. He created the weekly employee check-in so employees could take control of their personal and professional development, making conversations about goals and performance part of everyday life. That’s what makes Weekly10 different. It’s built for employees, not just HR."> Learn Hub | G2 | Andy Roberts Weekly10. He created the weekly employee check-in so employees could take control of their personal and professional development, making conversations about goals and performance part of everyday life. That’s what makes Weekly10 different. It’s built for employees, not just HR."> Weekly10. He created the weekly employee check-in so employees could take control of their personal and professional development, making conversations about goals and performance part of everyday life. That’s what makes Weekly10 different. It’s built for employees, not just HR.">

Andy Roberts

Andy Roberts is the CEO and Founder of Weekly10. He created the weekly employee check-in so employees could take control of their personal and professional development, making conversations about goals and performance part of everyday life. That’s what makes Weekly10 different. It’s built for employees, not just HR.

Guest Post

What an Exceptional Performance Management Cycle Looks Like

People don’t dislike performance reviews; they dislike how they’re done.

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