AppFollow, the tool that helps apps become top-ranked on app stores. Anatoly has been involved in the development and promotion of mobile apps since 2009. Started off as a developer, he quickly grew into a head of product and launched his own mobile startup in 2013."> Learn Hub | G2 | Anatoly Sharifulin AppFollow, the tool that helps apps become top-ranked on app stores. Anatoly has been involved in the development and promotion of mobile apps since 2009. Started off as a developer, he quickly grew into a head of product and launched his own mobile startup in 2013."> AppFollow, the tool that helps apps become top-ranked on app stores. Anatoly has been involved in the development and promotion of mobile apps since 2009. Started off as a developer, he quickly grew into a head of product and launched his own mobile startup in 2013.">

Anatoly Sharifulin

CEO & Co-founder at AppFollow, the tool that helps apps become top-ranked on app stores. Anatoly has been involved in the development and promotion of mobile apps since 2009. Started off as a developer, he quickly grew into a head of product and launched his own mobile startup in 2013.


The Complete Guide to Mobile App Localization

Many app developers think that creating an app in English is enough to reach a global audience.

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Replying to App Reviews Is a Dev Team’s Best Tool

It's evident how important interacting with your users and responding to customers is for brand...

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Efficient Ways for Responding to App Reviews

We already went over the types of reviews you will encounter and which of them you should focus on...

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5 Types of App Reviews Developers Should Watch Out For

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Getting More User Reviews: How and When to Ask For a Review

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6 Surprising Ways to Get More App Users for Free

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