LastPass. For over a decade, she’s been writing/blogging/talking about cybersecurity, password security, and related technologies. In her free time, you can find her reading books, acquiring more books, or trying valiantly to the garden."> Learn Hub | G2 | Amber Steel LastPass. For over a decade, she’s been writing/blogging/talking about cybersecurity, password security, and related technologies. In her free time, you can find her reading books, acquiring more books, or trying valiantly to the garden."> LastPass. For over a decade, she’s been writing/blogging/talking about cybersecurity, password security, and related technologies. In her free time, you can find her reading books, acquiring more books, or trying valiantly to the garden.">

Amber Steel

Amber Steel is an experienced content marketer for LastPass. For over a decade, she’s been writing/blogging/talking about cybersecurity, password security, and related technologies. In her free time, you can find her reading books, acquiring more books, or trying valiantly to the garden.

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What Is Federated Authentication? How It Improves Security

For many employees today, the workplace is no longer a fixed location.

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