Productivity (7)


Keep Track of Your Time: How to Calculate Hours and Minutes Worked

We can all agree that employees deserve to be compensated for their hard work.


What Does a Recruiter Do? (+ How to Become a Good One)

On the receiving end of every job application you’ve sent to a company is a person (allegedly).


How to Work From Home? Productivity Tips and Best Practices

The work from home lifestyle is here to stay.


What Is a Business Letter? How to Communicate Professionally

Business communication is not the same as regular communication.

Guest Post

Raising the Bar: The Importance of Ongoing Frontline Training

If you go to a store today, there’s a big chance you’ll return with a story to tell your friends...


Plagiarism: What It Is and How to Avoid It at All Costs

Plagiarism isn’t an academic word that disappears once you graduate.


5 Training and Development Tips to Speed Up Ramp Time


Imposter Syndrome: What It Is and How to Overcome It For Good

The feeling is as familiar as it is ugly. You’re sitting in a room of your peers and suddenly get a...


How to Use HR Tech to Humanize and Improve the Hiring Process

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