Daniella Alscher

Daniella Alscher is a Brand Designer for G2. When she's not reading or writing, she's spending time with her dog, watching a true crime documentary on Netflix, or trying to learn something completely new. (she/her/hers)


Color Contrast: For the Sake of Aesthetic and Accessibility

Yesterday was sunny and 85 degrees. Today, it’s a cold, windy, and rainy 54 degrees.


RGB vs CMYK: Why the Difference Makes a Difference

Knowing the difference between two things that are very similar can feel trivial.


Kerning: Don't Cramp Your Style

Claustrophobia: the fear of being in a small space or room without the ability to escape.


The Style Guide: Designing Yours to Be the Best of the Best

There is (arguably) nothing more reassuring than consistency. It makes us feel safe and it lets us...


7 Must-Read Tips for How to Make Your Own Font

There are thousands of fonts available for download, but none of them have their serif on the angle...


Typeface vs Font: The Real Difference

The words "typeface” and “font” don’t look the same. They don’t sound the same. They don’t mean the...


A Comprehensive Guide to Typography Terms

What’s the difference between a typeface and a font?


How to Break Through a Creative Block

Kids are crazy.


Logo Trends to Watch in 2020

Fidget spinners aren’t in anymore.

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