Holly Hunt

Holly is the director of content marketing at G2. An avid reader and writer, Holly graduated from the University of Missouri with a dual major in Journalism and English. She firmly believes in the power of content and is constantly seeking ways to better engage and delight readers.


How to Change Your Facebook Username (and URL) in 5 Easy Steps!

Many people created a Facebook account about a decade ago when it erupted onto the social media...


How to Change Your Twitter Handle and Keep Your Followers (+Pictures!)

“We highly recommend you use Twitter to professionally share your articles.”


How to Change Your Custom LinkedIn URL (+Pictures!)

You want to put your best foot forward when meeting a professional for the first time, right?


How to Create a Memorable PR Campaign (+Examples!)

Let’s give them something to talk about.


Crisis Communication: What to Do When the Worst Happens

Something terrible has happened.


10 Media Interview Tips that Will Set You Apart

The day has finally come.


How to Create an Email Newsletter that Will Impress Your Boss

“We should probably have a newsletter, don’t you think?”

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