Mary Clare Novak

Mary Clare Novak is a Content Marketing Specialist at G2 based in Burlington, Vermont, where she is currently exploring topics related to sales and customer relationship management. In her free time, you can find her doing a crossword puzzle, listening to cover bands, or eating fish tacos. (she/her/hers)


These 6 Elements Make a Contract Legally Binding

Sign here. Initial there. Those two phrases should definitely make you stop and think, “Wait a...


What Every Rep Needs to Know About Outbound Sales



Cold Emails Can Be Pretty Lame. Here's How to Avoid That.

Five seconds.


10 Not-So-Sneaky Ways to Get Past a Gatekeeper

There’s a particular character in the story of sales that can effortlessly instill fear in even the...


Close More Deals With This Foolproof Sales Cadence

When distributing fresh leads to a sales team, you wouldn’t want to give reps a list of valuable...

How to Use Prospecting to Pack Your Pipeline Full of Value

The health of your business' sales pipeline is everything.


Your CRM Guide: What Every Growing Business Needs to Know

Getting a customer to buy your solution is only half the battle.


Education Never Sleeps With Mobile Learning

There’s an online version of just about everything.


The Secret of Virtual Machines Is Inception. Seriously.

You’re reading this article on a computer. That’s a fact.

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