Claire Brenner

Claire is a former growth marketing team manager at G2. Born and raised in the Chicago area, her brief stint in Ohio (University of Dayton) gave her a new appreciation for deep-dish pizza, but left her well-versed in Cincinnati-style chili and "cities" with a population fewer than 400,000. While not writing, Claire can be found practicing calligraphy, seeking out the best dive bars in Chicago, and planning her next trip. (she/her/hers)


Administrative Assistant Job Description (+ Template and Three Examples)

As a company grows and its leaders become more strapped for time, they may opt to bring on an...


CEO Job Description (+ Template and Three Examples)

It’s hard to imagine a company without a chief executive officer, isn’t it?


COO Job Description (+ Template and Three Examples)

Between hiring new rockstars, balancing budgets, establishing processes, and much more, the...


Email Marketing Manager Job Description (+ Template and Three Examples)

At last count, I have fourteen – yes, fourteen – newsletters coming to my email inbox every single...


Marketing Analytics Manager Job Description (+ Template and Three Examples)

I have an unfortunate truth for all of you marketers out there – forgive me for what I’m about to...


Product Marketing Manager Job Description (+3 Examples)

If somebody asked you to describe marketing, what would you say?


SEO Specialist Job Description (+ Template and Three Examples)

If the role of a technical SEO specialist doesn’t sound familiar to you, it’s most likely because...


Event Marketing Manager Job Description (+ Template and Three Examples)

I’d be willing to bet that no matter how obscure your industry is, there are trade shows that bring...


Content Marketing Manager Job Description (+3 Examples)

In recent years, “content marketing” has become one of the marketing industry’s most popular...

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