Mara Calvello

Mara Calvello is a Content Marketing Manager at G2. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Elmhurst College (now Elmhurst University). Mara's expertise lies within writing for HR, Design, SaaS Management, Social Media, and Technology categories. In her spare time, Mara is either at the gym, exploring the great outdoors with her rescue dog Zeke, enjoying Italian food, or right in the middle of a Harry Potter binge.


How an Employee Assistance Program Benefits Your Company

There are certain things in life you can’t avoid.


How to Extinguish Job Burnout Before It’s Too Late

Having a bad day at work is expected.


Flexibility in the Workplace: How to Rethink the Office

No one wants to work for an organization that is rigid or overly strict about policies.


Are Your Employees Suffering From Presenteeism? Find Out ASAP

A migraine that comes out of nowhere. A bout with anxiety that you didn’t see coming. A phone call...


Sabbaticals: Because Everyone Needs a Break

Day in and day out, your employees show up, work hard, and take the necessary steps to ensure the...


Absence Management: Do You Know Where Your Employees Are?

Let’s face it, even the most perfect employee is going to miss work at some point.


Human Capital Management: How to Put Employees First

Your organization relies on a lot of tools and assets to hit its goals.


What Is an ATS? Why Hiring Managers Need One ASAP

If you’ve found yourself asking what an ATS is, it’s time to learn more about how an applicant...


Here's Why Employee Development Is More Important Than Ever

We all have that one area of expertise we wish we were just a little better at.

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