Rebecca Reynoso

Rebecca Reynoso is the former Sr. Editor and Guest Post Program Manager at G2. She holds two degrees in English, a BA from the University of Illinois-Chicago and an MA from DePaul University. Prior to working in tech, Rebecca taught English composition at a few colleges and universities in Chicago. Outside of G2, Rebecca freelance edits sales blogs and writes tech content. She has been editing professionally since 2013 and is a member of the American Copy Editors Society (ACES).


6 Expert Tips for Creating a Chatbot from Scratch

If you’ve ever considered creating a chatbot for your company’s website, but weren’t sure where to...


Facebook Using AI to Stop Notifications about Dead Friends

Social media is an integral part of most people’s lives. And as we all know, anything posted on...


What We Can Learn from McDonald’s AI Integration (+Who Does it Benefit?)

When you think of McDonald’s, your first thought probably isn’t how they’re a thought leader in the...


Companies Using Chatbots: 8 Tips from Business Professionals

Have you encountered a chatbot in place of a human customer service representative (CSR) on a...


11 Applications of Artificial Intelligence in 2020

Artificial intelligence is used as a broad catchall term for many subsets of AI, which is in and of...


Meet Q, the First Genderless AI Voice Assistant

Move over, Alexa. Sayonara, Siri! Meet Q, the world’s first genderless voice assistant.


Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence (+4 Industry Examples)

Instead of giving credence to fear-mongering books and films about artificially intelligent beings...


How to Block Someone on LinkedIn in 2020 (+4 Simple Steps)

LinkedIn is every working person’s go-to site for connecting with former and current colleagues,...

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