Stephen Hoops

Stephen Hoops is a Sr. Content Marketing Specialist at G2. He focuses on creating content that helps tech industry sales professionals and B2B SaaS marketers find success with G2 products such as Buyer Intent, Review Generation, and more. After receiving his B.A. in Journalism from West Virginia University in 2013, he has helped countless B2B brands reach new highs through content creation and SEO. When not nerding out about the artistry behind well-written copy, Stephen can be found info-dumping about homemade cocktails, Italian cuisine, and why vinyl is the superior physical medium for music.


Driving Customer Advocacy with G2: A Masterclass from Katlin Hess & Emily Malis Greathouse

The voice of the customer is indispensable when your product is outstanding.


The Evolution of Competitive Intelligence in SaaS

Competition is one of the critical components of life on Earth.


G2 + ZoomInfo Offers More Precise Ways to Target Buyers

When it comes to data, less is more, right?

3 Ways Software Brands Can Sell Their Complete Product Suite

Software vendors don’t typically become enterprise-level organizations by focusing on a single...


CEOs Aren't Making the Most of G2 (And Why It Matters)

When you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


5 Tips to Crush Your Intent Data Goals from G2 and ZoomInfo

In both life and sales, timing is everything.

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