Mara Calvello

Mara Calvello is a Content Marketing Manager at G2. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Elmhurst College (now Elmhurst University). Mara's expertise lies within writing for HR, Design, SaaS Management, Social Media, and Technology categories. In her spare time, Mara is either at the gym, exploring the great outdoors with her rescue dog Zeke, enjoying Italian food, or right in the middle of a Harry Potter binge.


What Is a CMS? How to Choose One That Fits Your Needs

Content is the reigning king of marketing, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.


5 Reasons to Register for Reach 2022: Best in SaaS

There’s no denying that 2022 has brought unique challenges to overcome and steep hurdles to jump.


How to Get Traffic to Your Website? 15 Proven Ways to Try Out

Congratulations! You got your website up and running. But is your business ready to take off just...


How to Recognize Signs of Cyberbullying and Prevent It From Occurring

Our computers and smartphones are typically a place of joy and entertainment.


How to Use Twitter Analytics to Your Advantage

No matter how you use Twitter, getting familiar with the analytics tool is in your best interest.


Employee Handbooks: How to Write One and What to Include

What’s one thing that both the smallest of startups and the largest of enterprises need?


How to Build a Personal Brand You're Proud of

It’s always a great time to work on yourself.


11 Human Resource Management Functions for Success

It’s common for employees to think the human resources team is only called on when something goes...


Why It's Time to Start Offering Employees Paid Parental Leave

Think about the major milestones you’ve had in your life.

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